Thursday, December 21, 2006

'Tis the Season to be Jolly....

I suffer from 3 phobias:
I hate flying. To be more precise I hate my feet leaving the ground and even climbing on a chair is enough to induce a panic attack.
I hate paying bills but I suspect that may be universal and
I hate Post Offices, any Post office, anywhere.
With Christmas practically upon us I've had to steel myself and have spent more time there than I'm comfortable with....
Monday I was in the queue waiting to post cards and trying to eavesdrop the muttered conversation behind me when the door swings open and a voice shouts
Man: Whose is the Renault 5 outside?
Woman: Why?
Man: You've left it in the middle of the road and it's blocking all the traffic No one can move....
Woman: Well if there were two windows open I'd have been quicker.
Man: Bewildered. But that's not the point...
Woman bustles out.

Tuesday I was back with Daughter. I had a packet to send and H. wanted proof of posting. No big deal but the assistant tries to sell me a method of posting that costs twice as much. Basically it's the same service but I can follow the progress of the packet on the computer.
I appreciate the thought but my life is not yet so devoid of excitement that this is tempting and then she made the fatal mistake of turning to my daughter and saying: "You could do that for your maman, couldn't you. Follow it on the computer for her."
So I hit her round the head with my zimmer frame.....


mrsnesbitt said...

Reading your blog has inspired me to celebrate the fact that I am not alone in my christmas preparations.... so many of my friends are well on with organisational skills which leave me standing!



Sarah said...

Oooh, how irritating! Did you cut her up with a withering sliver of sarcasm, or turn to your daughter and say in a really strong English accent

"Ma fille, explique-moi, c'est quoi, un ordinateur....?"


angela said...

Sarah, you put me to shame. No the only thing I was capable of was opening and closing my mouth like a goldfish which probably only served to confirm her opinion of me!
Mrsnesbitt: This year I bought Happy New Year cards thus admitting to total lack of organisation skills re. Christmas.

mrsnesbitt said...

New Year cards sound a wonderful idea me thinks....will definately make a note of this idea for next year!

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm great idea!
P.S. Whereabouts are you in the South?

Anonymous said...

It's amazing the lengths people will go to sell something. How pathetic to think that this woman thinks you need help from your young one to track a package or that pulling on the strings of a child will prompt the parent to buy whatever it is they are selling. In my book, that's the straw that seals the deal in the opposite direction even if I WERE thinking about it. Witch!

Open Grove Claudia said...

Living in a state where the post is - eh hem - the 49th slowest and worst customer service (out of 50 states - the 50th being Alaska - duh?), I deeply appreciate your struggles.

I'm there in solidarity - of course, it's blizzarding here so I'm there in spirit too. Too bad the body can't follow.....

Jim said...

hi...just a thought...but you might want to look at these blogs, also from the south of France.

Shaz said...

How rude I would of cracked for sure. Right to the end pushing for needlessly spent money I hate the up sell and I must admit I hate post offices aswell.
Other than that............
Merry Christmas Anj xx :)

tut-tut said...

Well, at least you had an interesting bit of repartee (and you're in a post office in France, so that's a little consolation.

I suffer from great vertigo; recently, I couldn't go down the escalator at the shopping mall, and had to use the stairs, much to the chagrin of the person I was with.

Jilly said...


First of all, a miracle has occurred and Blogger is allowing me to send a comment, as per before! Maybe they are being kind for Christmas.

Secondly, I just love this posting of yours. Made me fall about with laughter which I needed today. Thankyou for that. I love your immediate style of writing - I'm sure you write as you speak - the best sort of writer...

Great pic of doggy...

love Jillyxxx