Friday, April 27, 2007

What Empty Nest?

As Son eased himself into his last year of school, H and I started talking about projects and plans for the time that would suddenly become available when there was no longer the need for the school run, the Friday night party run or the I've-just-discovered-I've-nothing-to-wear run. We were looking forward to the time when the fridge would stay full for longer than a half hour and the phone wouldn't be ringing at 3 in the morning because the party turned out to be "nulle" and they wanted to come home. Bedrooms would be tidy 24/7 and there would be clean towels in abundance...
Believe me, we intended to embrace the empty nest.

Except, of course, that life had other plans and here he is...bigger now than in the photo, our daughter's Christmas present to us all...
He's lovely, truly the best baby in the world which, of course, you'll have guessed for yourselves and he's slotted right into our lives as if he's always been here.
His Mum works part time so we get to keep him and play with him for two afternoons a week but when he's feeling out of sorts, howls for no obvious reason and won't settle I do think wistfully of the empty nest.
Ah well, one day...
And I'll spare you my reflections on being called Grandma...I'm much too young.


tut-tut said...

Angela! congratulations! You'll have to post more about all this--or e-mail me! France is on hold until next year, I think. If we change our minds at the last minute this year I'll let you know. Would be fun to meet.

Unknown said...

Oh Angela, he is beautiful!!! I know what you mean about being 'Grandmama'. I mean I'm only 23 like you and we're much too young to be Grandmoms! ;)

Open Grove Claudia said...

He is really lovely! Thanks for sharing him with us. I love the role of Grandmum! (I raised my little sister.)

I play with the kids, feed them lots of chocolate and let them watch all the television they want to - then send them back! Hee hee. It's, well, brilliant.

Shaz said...

He is so beautiful, My birth mum was a grandma at 31 and loved it, embrace honey.
I cant wait until I am a grandma if I am not a mum again first (wink)

Gigi said...

Funnily enough, I've been thinking about this too recently. My daughter has a serious boyfriend and they're talking of marriage, children etc...she's only 18, though! And then my middle daughter's friend will be giving birth in June - and she's only 15! Of course, I wouldn't want this for my child but it does bring home the fact that I am now of Grandma age.

You must be so proud of that gorgeous little bundle...

deedee said...

Congratulations! Life does throw us surpises, enjoy your grandson. I have friends just a bit older than me that are already grandparents. It's funny, we started late and they started early.

angela said...

Thanks for all your kind words. He really is adorable and pretty good too.
I guess chronologically I'm definitely Grandma age but in my head...ah now that's a different story... a friend's sister was a grandma at 37! daughter was pregnant at 18, gave birth at barely 19.
She believed all this stuff about babies costing nothing. Yeah. Right!
Claudia...I'm embracing the give 'em back when they cry approach to grandparenthood..

Unknown said...

Felicitations, Angela!
From what I hear grandparenting is easier. My 15 year old had better make me wait a few years though!
I'll be an aunt in August though.

Louise said...

H entered our lives nearly eight months ago - he is a lamb! I have had him staying here on and off the last week, as with the winter season ending, my daughter's supply of babysitters has dried up. Goodness, what hard work! I had forgotten how with a baby one no longer exists! And the stuff that has to be transported from A to B - a military campaign!
Granny, Grandma, Mamie, Mémé ... no way! I must quickly think of a name to be used by this small person because although there are days when I feel 80, I don't want to be reminded daily!

Anonymous said...

Many congratulations. I am my own grandparent - having two teenage daughters and a three year old.

Anonymous said...

Aw bless! Isn't he lovely. Make sure you enjoy every second of him being with you. Before you know it he will be a teenager!

Jackie xx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Angela, he is gorgeous! I've always thought that it must be fun to be a grandparent - all the fun and none of the stress!

Tinsie said...

Congrats! Such a sweet baby. You must be very happy :-)

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Congratulatons!! What a simply delightful time in your life. Who cares about clean rooms 24/7 when you have such a darling one.

Sigh...I am looking forward...

Pam said...

Oh, Angela, he is lovely! Babies, and grandbabies!, seem to have a way of showing up on their own timetable, yes?
: ) Enjoy!

JP (mom) said...

Dear Angela,
I made my mum a grandma quite early ... but you know what, life is a constant adventure and you have a choice whether or not to embrace or run from it.

Your darling grandson is beautiful and it doesn't change your youthfulness one bit!

xoxoxox, JP

Betty Carlson said...

Félicitations! I'm sure this will be an exciting phase in your life...